The Ebbs and Flows Of Business

Up here in the northern hemisphere, the days are getting darker and colder. Of course, on the farm we experience this in many ways: we’ve harvested the remains of the garden before they get nipped by frost, the chickens are laying fewer eggs, dog walks are a bit faster and brisker, we’re spending less time on outside projects and more time inside. These are seasonal ebbs and flows. We can lament the coming winter. We could complain that the growing season is coming to a close. Or we could allow the seasonality to be what it is, working to extend growing conditions where we can with our particular needs and constraints.
Same with your business. There are often seasons where you’re super busy and others where you’re offered the chance to be more introspective. You can learn to extend your growth season (making sure your message, your marketing, and your services are aligned) then welcome the darker days by focusing on creating new content, balancing your books, and planning for the next growth season.
Questions you can ask yourself:
What season are you in right now? Is it a growth season or an introspective season?
Do you have your message, marketing, and offers ready to extend your growth season?
Do you have the supports you need in place to stay accountable and in action? (hint: the Love & Badassery Motorcycle Club is excellent for this)
What do you need in order to get ready for growth?
Deep breaths, you’ve got this.
Helen Tremethick is a thought partner & co-conspirator for badass entrepreneurs — and those who want to be. Helen uses a unique methodology called Love & Badassery that helps business owners find the courage, confidence, and clarity they need to show up wholly in their businesses. Since 2011, she has worked with hundreds of business owners to clarify their messaging, copy, business models, and transform their self-confidence while doing so.
This post was originally published at