Getting Out of the Hustle Trap.
Do you find yourself hustling and juggling even though you hate the hustle?
There’s a good reason for that.
Even the people who hate the hustle slip sometimes. Here’s why:
Right from the time we’re children, we’re trained to believe that our productivity is the basis of our worth. The more we get done, the more valuable we are. The more chores we do to help out, the more rewards we receive. The harder we work in school, the more accolades. The later we stay at our jobs, the higher the chances of promotion. When we believe our productivity is our worth, it feeds the system, pulling more value (profit) out of each hour we work. This training is purposefully hard to break. We’re trained to say yes to more responsibilities, even when our capacity is limited. And as our responsibilities go up, so our boundaries lessen. It’s a trap.
Even when we’re critical of the system we aren’t always immune.
Here’s one of the most common ways I’ve seen this play out for my clients : the services/capacity conundrum.
When we’re creating our services suite, this is usually what it looks like…
And, friend, this is how you burn out fast.
When you’re planning out your services, you also need to consider your capacity: your energy, life responsibilities, mental and physical health, and existing responsibilities.
This is why during the Foundations program, we don’t even look at your services suite until we’ve looked at your existing schedule. Because let’s be frank, you can’t expect 40 hours of output if you’re caring for little ones, parents, errands, and partners as well.
Allow me encourage you instead to look at this:
Once you have a gauge of what’s easy, how much time and energy you’re able to provide, and your client needs, THEN you can build out your services suite without burnout, juggling, or accidental hustle. It’s like I said last week. Be objective. Start there.
I’ll be opening Foundations again this Spring. Leave a comment if you want me to let you know when registration is open.